@techreport{oai:grips.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001727, author = {黒田, 昌裕}, issue = {SciREX-WP-2019-#01}, month = {Nov}, note = {研究開発投資や情報処理投資などの無形固定資本としての知的資産の蓄積が関連する財・サービス部門の生産効率に影響する構造を分析する論理的な枠組を投入・産出表を用いて提示し、1995年以降の我が国低成長の背景を探る。  2004年、(Kuroda-Nomura (2004))において、商品生産の静学的ならび動学的な技術の構造的リンケイジを通じた技術進歩の波及効果の測定の枠組みを提示した。そこでは、静学的ならびに動学的技術波及が及ぼす影響を伝統的な全要素生産性の測定量を「静学的ユニットTFP(static unit TFP)」と「動学的ユニットTFP(dynamic unit TFP)」の二つの測定量に分化して評価することを提案した。技術の波及が単に中間原材料の波及を通じて生ずるばかりではなく。有形固定資産投資として蓄積された有形の資本ストックを通して動学的に波及するかを示した。  21世紀に入って、科学技術の深化は、知識の蓄積という無形の固定資産の蓄積を通じて、有形無形の資産に体化されることによって、社会構造を大きく変化させているといわれている。情報技術の進歩が、研究開発投資の効率性を高め、さらに、その知的知識の集積が情報通信の進歩を通じて、トランス・サイエンスを生み、その功罪両面でグローバル社会の構造を大きく変移させているのは、われわれがまさに、日々実感しているところである。研究開発投資や情報処理投資などの無形固定資本としての知的資産の蓄積が、それが関連する財・サービス部門の生産効率に影響する論理的な枠組みを提示し、それが生産部門の投入の構造に影響するメカニズムを投入産出表に陽表的に組み込み、その技術的な波及効果を測定する枠組みを呈示する。研究開発投資を政府および民間非営利団体の公的研究開発投資、民間産業としての研究開発部門の研究開発投資、ならびに各産業部門内の企業内研究開発投資に区別して、それぞれが関連産業部門の生産活動に係わる構造を投入産出表に組み込む。また、情報処理活動によるソフトウェアーやシステム開発などの情報処理関連の無形固定資産の蓄積を、それを推進する情報処理産業やインターネット等の通信関連産業および各産業部門の企業内情報処理活動など情報関連の無形固定資産の開発投資として体系に組み込む。この分析手法が、科学技術政策の将来シナリオを描くために役立つことを期待している。 In the 21st century, the world has confronted substantial structural change from a top-down vertical division of labor system through the production process in manufacturing to a horizontal division of labor system as an interconnected platform of specific process characterized by recent development of info-technology. Such change has been drastically reconstructing the former production structure which has been desirable so far domestically and internationally. We compiled Japanese input-output table in which R&D expenditures were internalized as intangible capital investment, enabling the evaluation on intangible assets as knowledge stock by quantity and quality measures. By the process, R&D investment by government as well as industry that contribute to static/dynamic total factor productivity improvement could be observed and coped with the production efficiency improvement by industry through industry linkage. The static/dynamic total factor productivities are measurements by which we proposed as concepts to measure the technological linkage effects in the structure of the production among commodities statically and dynamically in Kuroda-Nomura (2004). Technologies of a productive activity are mutually interdependent through the market transactions of all the “produced” inputs. This implies that the production of one commodity is linked to that of all other related commodities, both directly and indirectly, through intermediate transactions. The change in a commodity’s technological efficiency should be measured as the change in the economy’s productivity induced by technical change in all linked activities. We also emphasized that the productivity of a specific commodity does not only be affected by the linked technologies through the interdependency of the current technologies, but also influenced by the past technologies which were embodied in the current capital stock. It is because the capital stocks used in the current production activity are composed by the past flow of the investments, which embodied the past technology at the time invested. We proposed two concepts of the measurement as “Static Unit Total Factor Productivity (Static Unit TFP)” and “Dynamic Unit Total Factor Productivity (Dynamic Unit TFP)”. In this paper we propose the framework in which we try to measure the productive efficiency of the production activities by the accumulation of the knowledge stock through investments for Research and Development (R&D) and Information & Communication (ICT) activities. We try to introduce R&D and ICT activities into the Input-Output framework explicitly and show the theoretical frame to measure how the accumulated intangible assets in R&D and ICT as knowledge stock could create the efficiency of the production activities. R&D and ICT investments are introduced as capital formations as intangible assets, which are invested by government, non-profit organizations and independent research institutes as private industry as well as intra activities within private firm. It is assumed that each R&D and ICT investments accumulate knowledge stock as intangible assets and the knowledge stocks create the capital service flows as technological knowledge. We try to apply our proposed measurements of static/dynamic total factor productivity to evaluate the efficiency changes by the accumulation of knowledge stocks as intangible assets of R&D and ICT activities. We estimated the Japanese Input-Output Table during the periods 1995-2011 in time-series and show our results of the measurement of the contributions of the R&D and ICT investments on the changes of the production efficiency in the Japanese economy.}, title = {研究開発活動による全要素生産性の波及効果の測定 ― 研究開発支出の資本化の枠組み ―}, year = {2019} }