@techreport{oai:grips.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001728, author = {黒田, 昌裕}, issue = {SciREX-WP-2019-#02}, month = {Nov}, note = {研究開発投資などの無形固定資産投資を含む資本形成の産業部門間の波及効果を静学的・動学的ユニットTFPの理論図式を用いてとらえるための産業連関表の体系を構築する。国民経済計算に関する国際基準としては、2008SNAとして、1993SNAからの基準改定の勧告が2008年に行われ、R&D投資などの資本化の方針が示された。わが国では、漸く2016年末にその勧告に沿った改訂が行われた。国民経済計算の体系との整合性を厳密に保ったR&D支出の資本化の推計の方法に準拠した産業連関表の体系は、2016年産業連関表で実現される予定である。この論文では、それに先立って、黒田(2019a)で展開した静学的および動学的ユニットTFP測定の体系と整合的な産業連関表の体系を1995~2011年に遡って、時系列で推計して、研究開発活動および情報処理活動の無形資産としての知的資産の資本化を試みている。 In this research, we compiled Japanese input-output table in which R&D expenditures were internalized as intangible capital investment, enabling the evaluation on intangible assets as knowledge stock by quantity and quality measures. By the process, R&D investment by government as well as industry that contribute to static/dynamic total factor productivity (TPF) improvement could be observed and coped accordingly to determine the production efficiency improvement by industry through industry linkage. In Japan Japanese System of National Account (JSNA) was revised to 2008 UN recommendation of the System of National Accounts at the year 2016, in which R&D expenditure by government as well as private sectors were internalized as capital investment. By the revision, the total amount of GDP in Japan was increased by 3-4% annually in comparison with the old estimates. Japanese Input-Output Table is planned to be revised in the 2016 Table. In this paper we tried to estimate the IO tables during the periods 1995-2011, in which the R&D expenditures by government and industry are capitalized consistently with the new JSNA.}, title = {R&D投資の資本化による産業連関表の作成 -研究開発活動の資本化と知識ストックの構造化-}, year = {2019} }