@techreport{oai:grips.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000041, author = {井上, 聰史}, month = {2023-11-07}, note = {https://www.grips.ac.jp/list/jp/facultyinfo/inoue_satoshi/, わが国の港湾は第二次大戦後に制定された港湾法により地方自治体が港湾管理者となり,一般行政の一環として管理運営を行っている.しかし地方自治体は行政改革により職員を削減し,港湾部局においても職員減少が顕著である.わが国の港湾管理体制は発足以来初めて少数職員時代を迎えている.また港湾は単なる海陸輸送の結節点から質の高いサプライチェーンの創出を求められる歴史的な転換点に立っている.本研究は,わが国の主要港湾における職員減少の実態を分析するとともに,港湾を巡る新しい時代の到来と港湾の変革の方向性を考察し,新しい時代が求める港湾人材の資質を明らかにし,港湾部局職員に対する研修の現状を分析しつつ職員減少下における港湾人材の育成のあり方と戦略を検討する. In Japan, the Port and Harbor Law enacted after World War II entrusts local government to manage its own port, as port management body. In recent years, however, local governments have worked hard on administrative reforms, including staff reduction of their port divisions. Intensifying shortage of work force is expected for coming years. Furthermore, port today is not simply to provide efficient and economical terminal, but to provide a high quality of supply chain system through port. Thus, ports in Japan face great challenges at historical turning point so that port management system itself should be restructured to cope with this new era emerging around port. This study aims to analyze staff reduction of port management bodies, and also implications of the advent of new era around port for the Japan’s port management system, and consider human resource development strategy for port management of the new era.}, title = {歴史的転換点に立つわが国の港湾管理体制 —港湾を巡る新たな時代の到来と職員減少下の人材育成のあり方ー}, year = {} }